These were my major posts this week. As usual, the timestamp is decided in order to place this post in the correct place in the archives.
John Kerry's long slide into irrelevancy -- Yes, Kerry's sliding in the polls. I'm wondering whether the Democrats are looking for ways to get rid of Kerry and replace him with someone more electable.
Chemical weapons plot in Jordan -- More on the terror plot that the Jordanians foiled.
Why I believe in God: The Trinity -- I talk about the trinity, and what it means for Christians.
Fallujah -- The first in a series of posts about Fallujah.
Rumsfeld's occupation -- Barbara Lerner has some thoughts on what the occupation would have looked like if Rumsfeld had really been in charge.
Spirit of America fundraiser results -- The results are in, and all told, we raised a total of over $50k. Not bad.
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