The Mouse Killer
by Jeremiah Lewis of Fringe
A 50 word brief story rated PG.
About a cat who behaves much like a person.
The Return
by Jeremiah Lewis of Fringe
A 50 word brief story rated PG.
Fallen angels seek a laborious, but poetic return to Heaven.
by Jeremiah Lewis of Fringe
A 50 word brief story rated PG.
Conscience as a skin condition.
Rogue Signals
by Jeremiah Lewis of Fringe
A 50 word brief story rated PG.
In the future, containment is the only option, even at the expense of beauty.
A Lamb on the Lam
by Madeleine Begun Kane of Mad Kane's Humor Blog
A 100 word brief story rated PG.
News story in limerick form.
The Turtle and the Rabbit
by Phil at Phil for Humanity
A 212 word brief story rated G.
A fable about reverse discrimination.
by Jolanda Dubbeldam at Reason and Rhyme
A 346 word brief story rated G.
A caring woman is angry at an uncaring man who caused her to fire a family man.
The Monkey’s Tail, as Told by Marcel Duchamp the Day After Charles Lindbergh Landed at Le Bourget Field
by Mark Rayner of The Skwib
A 500 word brief story rated PG.
The last Dadaist pursues his absurd desire to have a tail.
How Potter Ends...
by Andrew Ian Dodge of Dodgeblogium
A 520 word brief story rated PG-13.
A vision of how the Harry Potter series might end.
by Elvis D of 365fiction
A 1,553 word short story rated R.
Home robots keep the peace--sorta.
by Elvis D of 365fiction
A 1,882 word short story rated PG-13.
The story of a misplaced cigarette.
by Elvis D of 365fiction
A 1,917 word short story rated PG-13.
A young man discovers his grandfather's secrets.
Tales from the Riverbank
by Riversider of Save the Ribble
A 2,000 word short story rated PG.
In this humorous tale, two friends kayak their way down the river Ribble, then ride the tide back home again.
This concludes the seventy-first Storyblogging Carnival.
If you'd like to take part in a future carnival, please contact me. I am also looking for hosts. Other carnivals can be found here.
The Storyblogging Carnival can be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival.