
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Storyblogging Carnival XXX

Welcome to the thirtieth Storyblogging Carnival. We have ten stories this time, from nine authors. Mark Rayner kindly contributed two stories this week. He's prolific, ain't he? If you're not familiar with it, storyblogging is simply storytelling in blog format, usually but not always fiction. More Carnivals can be found on this page. But for now, let's get on with this Storyblogging Carnival:

Thag not want get tattoo!
by Mark A. Rayner of The Skwib
A 300 word brief story rated PG.

Another in the continuing series on Thag, the caveman with problems. This story deals with another aspect of human nature — how we tend to avoid new experiences as we get older. It's still comedy though.

After Nelson
by Mark A. Rayner of The Skwib
A 450 word brief story rated PG.

On the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, I image what history might have looked like if Lord Nelson hadn't been there to win it.

The Sad Story of Princess Helga
by Gary Sieling of The Secret Life of Gary
A 529 brief story rated G.

Princess Helga meets a sorceress.

[I wrote the blurb for this one. -DSC]

Little Redfern's Trip to the Supermarket
by Jonathan Holley of Johnny America
A 765 word brief story rated R.

I looked up from my bucket to leer at two bickering coeds who were at the other end of Aisle 14. I thought about mouthing the sequins on brunette's blue miniskirt. I guessed from the flesh-toned Band-Aid on her calf that she’d nicked herself shaving...

Pineapple Upside-down Cake
by Andrea Graham of Adam's Blog
A 1,015 word short story rated G.

A child's eye view of death and food.

[As the author didn't send a blurb, I wrote one for her. -DSC]

The Journey (part 4), Part 14 of Scale 7 Artifact (Beginning)
by Dave Gudeman of Doc Rampage
The next 1,165 words of a 22,304 word story rated PG.

Yet another chapter in the greatest saga ever told about the exploration of the third moon of a gas giant in another solar system by a guy named Daniel with a scale 7 artifact on it.

Romero is a Pain Redux
by Andrew Ian Dodge of Dodgeblogium
A 1,265 word short story rated PG.

The Sage of Wales and Claire try to keep a straight face as Rupert explains how he got out of the mess he got himself into on an island in the middle of the sea. Written by request of Storyblogging readers.

Part XXI of The Spy Novel
by The Colossus of The Colossus
A 2,521 word chapter of a 41,958 word novel in progress rated PG-13.

Eric Ashley's summary: "Cold, controlled, paranoid, and searching speculation based on tiny clues, this story sucks you in, and grabs you. Who are your friends? Is the hero that, or simply a protagonist of questionable virtue, although undoubted skill? When will the betrayal come, and who will do it? Crisp writing style, and more questions than one can shoot with a full clip of ammo."

[I always enjoy a good description of the underground lair of a secret society of gardeners. -DSC]

Chapters 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, and 113 of The Child (Beginning)
by Sheya Joie of Tales by Sheya
The next 3,474 words of her 86,273 word novel rated PG.

At long last, they reach the enemy's fortress - and now they must find a way to sneak inside.

Chapters 29-34 of CLOWN
by Theron Marshman of Harkonnendog
A 6,271 word short story rated R.

Chapters 29-33 of CLOWN, during which Clown gets drunk, schizo, depressed, horny, has a philosophical discussion with a priest who ALMOST saves his soul and...

And that's it for this carnival. If you'd like to take part in a future carnival, please contact me. I am also looking for hosts.

The Storyblogging Carnival can be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival.

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