It's been a while since I've blogged anything. I've been very busy writing, but that's really more of an excuse than anything else. I found time to play Mass Effect 3, after all. By the way, ME3 is a good game, so far, but I hear that the ending is really disappointing. Fortunately, Bioware will be producing a free Extended Cut DLC with an improved ending (although word is they're not backing down on the "artistic vision"). I figure they're calling it a free DLC because they don't want to call it a "patch to fix the sucky ending."
Anyway, I figured that since my wife started blogging again, I ought to do the same. She has had some stories come out recently, so be sure to read them. As for myself, I expect to have something coming out later this summer. I'll post more about it when we're closer.
Meanwhile, I'll try to keep up more of a regular presence on this blog.
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