
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Stormlight Archive Theory 3: Deadeyes

Following up on my previous posts, this is the last of my theories about Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive, posted just in time to beat Tor's serialization of the next book in the series, Wind and Truth. This time, I'll talk about the Deadeyes.

As I already described in my first theory, I believe that deadeyes were created from the corruption of the Nahel bond by Ba-Ado-Mishram, but bonding a Shardblade creates a different Connection, one that,  as we saw, can be strengthened. So the question is what were all the deadeyes doing outside Lasting Integrity.

One theory is that their presence had nothing to do with what was happening in Lasting Integrity. Their presence was due to Ishar, who was close by, perhaps accompanied by hundreds of Shardbearers (as one popular theory holds that the Shin have claimed most of the Shardblades). That seems unsatisfactory, but isn't impossible.

The honorspren thought that they came because of Adolin's trial, that there was a Connection that attracted them to see someone punished for humanity's betrayal. Since we now know that there was no betrayal, that seems unlikely, but perhaps there was a Connection there.

We know that lesser spren are attracted to Radiants, to become their armor. The bond, the Connection, draws them, and they connect to the Radiant themselves, as we see with Kaladin and the windspren.

What if this is something similar? The deadeyes, having been reduced to something less sapient, nevertheless sense the growing Connection between Adolin and Maya, and like Kaladin’s windspren or Shallan’s creationspren, were attracted to it.

I don't see the deadeyes becoming Shardplate, but I am curious to know where that Connection goes.

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