And this time I delayed a month. On the bright side, it looks like it worked--I had plenty of stories after waiting. Here is this month's Storyblogging Carnival.
Glittering Void
by Robert Lew Terrell of The Reflected Moon
An 11 word brief story rated PG.
A haiku.
Miserly Limerick
by Madeleine Begun Kane of Mad Kane's Humor Blog
A under 100 word brief story rated PG.
A tale of a miser in limerick form.
First Impressions Matter
by Stephen Kavita of Self Improvement Tips
A 295 word brief story rated G.
His friend sits down on the dark oily wooden benches inside the dusty, unclean hotel and comfortably orders for a burger and a mug of tea. He calmly asked his friend, “Ah…my friend, is…is this the best hotel in Nairobi?” His friend answers confidently, “Well it is definitely the cheapest in town.” He then took his smartly dressed friend to ...
[I tend not to include stories on marketing web sites, which this admittedly is. You have to scroll down to get to the story. Once you do, though, it is a story, so I included it. -DSC]
Weekend Special
by Lovelyn of Nebulous Mooch
A 336 word brief story rated PG-13.
A car accident.
Cracks in my Heart
by Jean of Cherry Vomit | My Life in Tansition
A 530 word brief story rated PG.
A break-up.
Resolving Things Like Gentlemen
by Walter of Henry's Trashcan
A 834 word short story rated PG.
Two men are locked in a dungeon and hold a talent show to see who gets to eat a dead rat.
The Grandfather I Never Knew
by JHS of Writing My Life
A 1,088 word short story rated PG.
"He said very little. As I think back on those visits now, I have no recollection of him ever directly addressing me, and yet I tell myself that he must have at least asked me how I was, how things were at school …"
Pure Joy
by Jenn of Mixed
A 1,330 word short story rated PG-13.
"The past five days were just a bad nightmare now."
This concludes the one hundred and ninth Storyblogging Carnival.
If you'd like to take part in a future carnival, please contact me. I am also looking for hosts. Other carnivals can be found here.
The Storyblogging Carnival can be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival.
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