
Monday, April 19, 2010

Now accepting submissions to Storyblogging Carnival CIX

The next Storyblogging Carnival will be the one hundred and ninth. It will be hosted here, at Back of the Envelope, and going up on Monday, May 3rd. If you use your blog to share your fiction, then the Storyblogging Carnival is your opportunity. Here we host any and all forms of storytelling in blog format. If you're curious about what this looks like, have a look at some examples of previous storyblogging carnivals.

If you'd like to participate, please e-mail your story submissions to me at dscrank-at-alum-dot-mit-dot-edu (or post in my comments), including the following information:
  • Name of your blog
  • URL of your blog
  • Title of the story
  • URL for the blog entry where the story is posted
  • (OPTIONAL) Author's name
  • (OPTIONAL) A suggested rating for adult content (G, PG, PG-13, R)
  • A word count
  • A short blurb describing the story
The post may be of any age, from a week old to years old. The submission deadline is 11:59 PM Eastern time on Saturday, May 1st. More detailed information follows (same as always):
  1. The story or excerpt submitted must be posted on-line as a blog entry, and while fiction is preferred, non-fiction storytelling is acceptable.
  2. The story can be any length, but the Carnival will list them in order of length, from shortest to longest, and include a word count for each one.
  3. You may either send a complete story, a story in progress, or a lengthy excerpt. You should indicate the word count for both the excerpt and the complete story in the submission, and you should say how the reader can find more of the story in the post itself.
  4. If the story spans multiple posts, each post should contain a link to the beginning of the story, and a link to the next post. You may submit the whole story, the first post, or, if you've previously submitted earlier posts to the Carnival, the next post which you have not submitted. Please indicate the length of the entire story, as well as the portion which you are submitting.
  5. The host has sole discretion to decide whether the story will be included or not, or whether to indicate that the story has pornographic or graphically violent content. The ratings for the story will be decided by the host. I expect I'll be pretty lenient on that sort of thing, but I have some limits, and others may draw the line elsewhere. Aside from noting potentially offensive content, while I may say nice things about stories I like, I won't be panning anyone's work. I expect other hosts to be similarly polite.
  6. The story may be the blogger's own or posted with permission, but if it is not his own work he should gain permission from the author before submitting to the Carnival.
If you'd like to be added to the e-mail list, please let me know. Finally, I appreciate folks promoting the carnival on their own blogs, and I'm always looking for bloggers willing to host future carnivals.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Storyblogging Carnival CVIII

Once again, I delayed a week to get more stories. I'm hoping this doesn't become a habit. Meanwhile, here's the most recent Storyblogging Carnival.

Catty Limerick
by Madeleine Begun Kane of Mad Kane's Humor Blog
A 50 word brief story rated PG.

A cat tale in the form of a two-verse limerick.

Bingo and Floggie
by Mark A. Rayner of The Skwib
A 150 word brief story rated PG.

A disturbing historical tale.
Continue to Drive
by Ashley Krider of A Look at my Reflection
A 347 word brief story rated PG.

A phone call.

The story so far
by Lyd of The Big One Word Story
A 403 word brief story rated PG.

An interesting writing experiment.

Cigarettes and Creationism
by Zhu at Correr Es Mi Destino
A 525 word brief story rated PG.

The shop assistant (or the owner, cause as far as I know he is here from 6:00 am to 12:00 am) looks up at me and obviously expects an answer. An Arabic language newspaper opened on the counter and no sign of him reaching for my cigarettes tells me I’m in for a philosophical moment.

Farmer with an Axe Handle, A Haunting Encounter
by Bob Simms at X News Now
A 951 word brief story rated PG.

A ghostly tale.

Tales of Woe
by Darcy at Of Winds and Water
A 1,432 word short story rated PG.

A story of our first attempt at starting a new life aboard a sailboat. Living on a boat in arctic temperatures without a heater is one experience I don't want to repeat!

This concludes the one hundred and eighth Storyblogging Carnival.

If you'd like to take part in a future carnival, please contact me. I am also looking for hosts. Other carnivals can be found here.

The Storyblogging Carnival can be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival.